Event · 24.10.2023 11:00Potek gradnje Rezidence MurvaSoseska na skrbno izbrani lokaciji v osrčju Istre, v vasi Šmarje
Event · 22.09.2023CARPE DIEM - the furnishing of the apartments is almost finishedMost of the equipment already in the apartments! Last 6 apartments available!
Event · 19.09.2023Garden Palace Umag - PRICE REDUCTION OF THE LAST APARTMENTS UP TO 10%Catch the last autumn rays and the last discounts on apartments at the Garden Palace Resort in Umag! There are only 20 apartments left out of 112. Hurry up and take advantage of...
Event · 28.08.202318. Blejski strateški forum 2023Na Bledu je 28. in 29. avgusta 2023 potekala 18. mednarodna konferenca Blejski strateški forum pod naslovom »Solidarnost za globalno varnost«.
Event · 19.04.2023Delo's business conference NEPREMIČNINE 2023On April 19th, 2023, Delo media house successfully concluded the Real Estate 2023 campaign.
Event · 29.11.2022National Day reception, Embassy of Romania 2022On Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 12:30 p.m., we were invited by the Romanian Embassy to a meeting on the occasion of the National Day of Romania at the Hotel Intercontinental, Lj...
Event · 31.05.2022Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II, British EmbassyOn 25th of May, 2022, we were honoured to be able to attend a reception at the British Embassy for the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II.
Event · 26.05.2022Reception at the Croatian EmbassyOn 26th of May, 2022, we were honoured to attend a reception at the Croatian Embassy in Ljubljana.